Sunday, January 30, 2022

Ulcer is an experience that usually comes with a disabling pain.

Ulcer wounds and pain occur when the stomach acid damages the stomach wall and intestines, creating sores on them.

Leaving ulcer fully treated can lead to a long term health challenges with very serious consequences.

The fast way to end the ulcer pain and treat the wounds is to first, neutralise the acidic secretion from stomach and then apply an effective treatment on the wounds.

Drinking alkaline water from the Longrich Pi (Alkaline) Cup is the most effective way to neutralise the stomach acid and this will immediately stop further wounds from inflicted on the stomach walls and the intestine.

Longrich Berry Oil made from Sea buckthorn oil is very effective in healing thw wounds that were created by the stomach acid.

In summary, alkaline water from Longrich Pi (Alkaline) Cup stops further acidic damage, while Longrich Berry Oil heals the existing wounds.