Friday, February 4, 2022

The attractions of life in the cities have caused so many to ignore the price we are all innocently paying for the seemingly good life in the cities.

Why is it that those living in the rural ares seem to enjoy better health and long life than those in the cities?

Unlike the days of our forefathers, we now have modern healthcare services, yet the life span in the days of our forefathers was much longer.

We now have more ailments attacking mankind even in the midst of modernisation of healthcare services.

Degenerative diseases like cancer, stroke, arthritis, oesteoporosis , etc now strike more frequently and at ages that were never heard of before.

There are certain luxuries that we now have which our forefathers never had. And these include factories, automobiles, electronic gadgets, insecticides, pesticides, etc.

However, there are also luxuries our forefathers and those in the rural areas have which we now do not have around us. These include the green, trees, streams, organic vegetables, etc.

Could it be that the differences between their luxuries and our luxuries are what are creating health challenges for this generation?

We are all exposed to the negative effects of the modern luxuries like the fumes from the factories and automobiles, the electronic radiation from the electronic gadgets all around us. They all emit free radicals. Our body comes in contact with the free radicals on a daily basis and the free radicals cause oxidative stress on body cells, causing all sorts of health challenges.

As we can not all go back and live in the rural areas, it therefore requires a conscious effort to find ways of reducing the impact of free radicals on our body.

One of the ways to this, which is infact the easiest, is to  ensure that our body ph level is within the alkaline region as long as possible. We can do this by drinking alkaline water from Longrich Pi (Alkaline) Cup as often as possible.

Alkaline water from Longrich Pi (Alkaline) Cup is capable of eliminating free radicals from the body and at the same boosting the body immunity.


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